Monday, January 26, 2009

Gabby meets the Mayor!

So some of you have heard this story and if you have I am sorry but I am a beamimg MOM!!

Shortly after school started we had a ground breaking ceremony for the new school that is being built. Our school now is so old and totally inadaquite for the kids. So for this special occassion the school choir made up of boys and girls from grades 3rd thru 6th. Well Gabby loves to sing so she of course is in the choir.

So the morning of the "big day" I helped her get dressed in the new outfit that I had bought her. She was so excited!! After she got dressed I finished getting myself ready. When I was in the bathroom in comes Gabby with this funny look on her face. This is how the dialog went:

Mom: Gabby what's wrong?

Gabby: I am very excited and very nervous too!

Mom: Well why are you so nervous?

Gabby: I am going to sing for the mayor! What if I don't do good??

Mom: I know youare going to do just fine!

Gabby: Well what if he doesn't like it?

Mom: He will!

Gabby: Ok. If you say so!

It was so cute! She is so fun!!

So of course she did great and had a good time. After the festivities were over I went up to the Mayor and told him of Gabby's "feeling" in the morning, and could I take his picture with her. He said, "of course"!! And so here it is!!
The amazing thing is after this picture he gave Gabby his "City of Boise" lapil pin and gave it to her!! She was so excited and now that is her favorite thing!!

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