Thursday, January 29, 2009

Eat while it's hot!

Well now that for most of the weather is oh so cold I thought I would share a recipe with you. It is for a very yummy taco soup! When I told my family (mom, bro's and sis's) I was gonna make taco soup for them all they were not to sure of it! How do I know? Well after dinner on the night I made this soup for everyone my sister Laurie confessed to me they had all taken up a "pizza fund" incase they were starving afterwards! Ha Ha they didn't have to use their money and to boot they make it now themselves!!
Ok so here goes:
6- cans of a variety of beans. I like black, pinto, red, white, and pink. Don't drain them.
2- Cans of super sweet corn. Don't drain these either.
2- 15 1/2 oz piced tomatoes
1 medium chopped onion
1- can green chili's
1- pkg favorite taco seasoning
1- pkg hidden valley ranch dressing mix
Ok so if you use hamburger cook with it the onions and green chili's.
I like to use shredded chicken because the chicken soaks up the seasoning mix.
So which ever one you use prepare the meat as you would taco meat.
Note: boil chicken, shred, and cook with taco seasoning.
So take the can goods and dump them in your big pot. Remember don't drain anything! The juices are your "soup base". Add your meat mixture, and then add your dressing pkg.
Cook until hot, add cheese, and sour cream if desired into your individual bowls and throughly ENJOY!!
We love to eat it will tortilla chips!!
Thanks for being oh so patient while I get the hang of this! I will admit it is quite fun!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

All of us!!

So here we are in our current state!!

Teil is oh so handsome at 16!!
Alex is my Hero at 15.
Chase is my "bug man" at 12.
Gabby is my beautiful princess at 8.
And me I am loving life at.... Not gonna tell ya!! lol

Monday, January 26, 2009

Don't cry over rotten milk!!

Ok can we say "holy crap"? Gabby thought she would be an awesome sister and daughter by making dessert for her family tonight! So she made chocolate pudding for us!! "How sweet"? you say!! Well it is.... except for the fact that the milk she used was... ROTTEN!!
UUUMMMPPP!! When the kids are gone to their dad's house and you (I) don't make a habit of drinking milk you have no idea it's bad!! And of course the chocolate flavoring covered up the taste and foul odor of the milk!! The only way we discovered it was bad is when Chase smelled the milk before pouring himself a glass!!

The moral of this story... ALWAYS CHECK THE MILK!!


Gabby meets the Mayor!

So some of you have heard this story and if you have I am sorry but I am a beamimg MOM!!

Shortly after school started we had a ground breaking ceremony for the new school that is being built. Our school now is so old and totally inadaquite for the kids. So for this special occassion the school choir made up of boys and girls from grades 3rd thru 6th. Well Gabby loves to sing so she of course is in the choir.

So the morning of the "big day" I helped her get dressed in the new outfit that I had bought her. She was so excited!! After she got dressed I finished getting myself ready. When I was in the bathroom in comes Gabby with this funny look on her face. This is how the dialog went:

Mom: Gabby what's wrong?

Gabby: I am very excited and very nervous too!

Mom: Well why are you so nervous?

Gabby: I am going to sing for the mayor! What if I don't do good??

Mom: I know youare going to do just fine!

Gabby: Well what if he doesn't like it?

Mom: He will!

Gabby: Ok. If you say so!

It was so cute! She is so fun!!

So of course she did great and had a good time. After the festivities were over I went up to the Mayor and told him of Gabby's "feeling" in the morning, and could I take his picture with her. He said, "of course"!! And so here it is!!
The amazing thing is after this picture he gave Gabby his "City of Boise" lapil pin and gave it to her!! She was so excited and now that is her favorite thing!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The week in review and then some!

I will be honest I am new at this so you will have to be patient!

My Chase who is 12 years old had his first basketball game for school this week. He is probably the shortest kids on his team but man can the boy move!! He is so cute in his uniform! Even though you are not supposed to keep score...(because it is for learning not competing yeah bite me!!) the score ended up being something like our team 50 something and the "other team" 20 something!! YIPPEE they kicked butt!! Sorry I am very much into the whole thing.. just ask anyone who was sitting by "the crazy mom yelling"! Even got some dirty looks from the "other schools" principal!! Oh well somethings never change!

My sweet (but sometimes naughty) 15 year old Alex won the "most improved" award at school this week as well! As you all know things have been CRAZY around here with the impending divorce and all! But dispite all of that Alex has done real well in school this past semester and really pulled it out!! I got a call from the school and they had told me he was chosen for this award! They needed sugestions for a present. I told them anything BSU (Boise State for those of you don't know the lingo :o) Cuz he loves his "Broncos"! So on friday when he came home he was beaming and excited to show off his fun things!! Way to go Alex!!

My very handsome 16 year old Teil was surprised by his girlfriend this week and I must add it was cute too!! They were texting and he didn't nor I know she was outside of our house! She said she had a surprise for him and he could see it from the front yard. Well he went out and there she was with a black box in tow. He read the note that was on the box and it said something like this, "out of all of the "frog's" in this world I choose you to be my prince. Will you go to the sweethearts dance with me?" And in the box was a stuffed frog and hersey's hugs and kisses candies. The bottom of the box says, " here are some hugs and kisses for when we are apart... I love you!" How sweet is that? When I was in school we never did anything like that! Or I didn't and I was a shmuck!! lol Of course he told her yes and I know they will have so much fun!!

And now my beautiful 8 year old Gabby didn't have anything happen this week but I couldn't leave her out! She is... well I can't really describe her! She is just Gabby! She keeps me on my toes!! I wish I had her confidence when I was her age! She will love you and then tell you like it is! She is always thinking and comes up with the funniest but correct things so there is no arguing with her cuz most of the time.. she is right!!

So for those of you out there who have not jumped on the "facebook" bandwagon.. get on with it man!! It is the best thing ever!! You find people on there that you would never imagine finding. That brings me to my next "item of business"!!

I have found my very first love! We dated all through junior high! That's right junior high school! Who would have thought?? It has been the funnest thing ever! I am amazed at the memory the man has!
DB I will call him in case he reads this and you read this and you know eachother and I haven't told him I am posting this!!
Forgive me?
I have never known any MAN who has a memory like his! I am grateful because he has been able to help me remember some of the best times in my "younger years"!
And I want to say I am very proud of him! He has two very cute boys!! One of which is redheaded which is so not fair because I was supposed to have the redheaded baby!! Anyway... he writes and plays music still. And to boot he and a couple of friends have started a theatre group in their community! How cool is that? This weekend was his opening debut and from what I hear and read it was a HUGE success.. So congrats DB on a very successful weekend!!

Well I am off! It is late and I should be sleeping! Take care all!

Until next time...