Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The master and his "friends"!

So I might be the coolest mom ever! You see I have a very sweet 12 year old boy. How does that make me cool you ask? Well teh only thing he asked for Christmas this year was clothes and a scorpion or a hairy spider they call a tranchila (I am sure that is not how you spell it but oh well if you are looking for the dictionary I am not it)! So off I went to the pet store. Well as I stood there looking at the two "evils" that I had to choose from it was more than I could bear so I left!! As the days got closer to Christmas I realized I really needed to choose between these two "evils". So I went back to the store and stood some more. When the store clerk came up to me I said, with a very horrible look on my face, "I guess I need to buy the better of two "evils" so I need a scorpion. I still can't believe I have it in my home! And for those of you who don't know Chase's birthday is the day after Christmas and so for his birthday he got a friend for his scorpion becasue I don't believe in just having one of anything because they can get lonely! I know whatever they are bugs for peet sake, but none the less he is a very happy kid and I am "the best MOM ever"!!

So this is what a scorpion looks like they are nice and black with a plump little belly. They have two claws on the front. These only pinch a little. Whatever I am not gonna stick my hand in there to find out!!

The three bottom pictures are when you put a black light on them.
If you notice they are glowing green! Pretty cool huh?
I must admit they are not as yucky as I had originally thought.
They are pretty cool. I even got up the nerve the other day to hold one. The feet are mighty sticky and it wouldn't come off of my hand! Yes I freaked out and Chase and Gabby thought it was the funniest thing ever! I told Chase," if it stings me I will beat you"!! Not really that's why he continued to laugh. He did finally help me get her off so I no longer have this beautiful "piece of jewelry" on my hand!


  1. Seriously? Living with the constant threat of those suckers here in the desert.... let me tell you.... they are NOT COOL.

    I think Chase and I need to have a little talk. :)

    BTW... love the monkeys!

  2. cute background, I've been waiting to see pictures of your trip!
