Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's Final.

Well everyone.. what am I saying? The three of you who follow my blog! My divorce is final. I am not sure how I feel right now. It is all kind of surreal. It was over in about five (5) minutes. We were married for 17 years and this is how it played out in court. Jeran didn't come to the court house. I actually asked him not to come. I know that might sound mean but I had started this process by myself so I thought it should be finished by myself. Well I wasn't by myself, my dear dear friend Sarah came with me. Let me tell you what a blessing it was to have her there.
So Sarah and I are sitting in the court room and then another couple with their son enters. We all sit there for awhile. My appointment was at 3pm. Well that came and went and I started to get nervous thinking I was in the wrong place. Well the court clerk comes in and says they have changed judges and so we need to change court rooms. And of course we do so.
We sit and wait a few more minutes and low and behold in comes the judge. This is how the proceedings go..

Court clerk (cc): "All rise blah blah Judge XX presiding".

Judge XX: "All may be seated".

J XX: "Millett party please come forward".

J XX: "Is the other party here"?

Me: "No"

J XX: "Do you have your papers"?

Me: "Yes".

J XX: "Will you bring them to me"?

Me: "Yes". (I take them to him).

J XX: "You can stand back at the table".

J XX: "Well I have reviewed your papers and all of the lines are filled in. Everything looks good. And now with my signature you are divorced have a nice day!"

Me: "Ok"?... (I still stand there!)

I am looking at the judge as he is writing something. He looks up and sees me still standing there.

J XX: "Um you can leave now"

Me: "Um.. ok"? (I pick up my htings and leave)

I walk out of the court room, look at Sarah, and say, "what just happened" and Sarah replies, "I think you are divorced!"

Still daized and confused I stand with everyone who is there to pays fines or something else. Not sure if I am even in the right place. I pull a number, they call my number, I go up and tell them of my business, they find my papers, do what they need to do, give me my copies, say "congradulations" and then I am free to go.

Now don't get me wrong. I am grateful there was no "drama" or "big show" but when you are married for 17 years and then it's over in 5 minutes with a "have a nice day" it is really hard to wrap your brain around. I know that I was being blessed! My Heavenly Father knew I needed it to go smoothly. I was able to hold it together and not cry. I am proud of myself!

I want to thank everyone who has stood by my side and helped me through this!! Even if you weren't here physically I know you were here in spirit and I love you all!!

And a huge "Thank you" to the boss man himself "GQ" for being a great boss through this very stressful time!! I promise I will work better!! lol

I am excited for what the future holds for me and my kiddos!

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